Reds of China
Beautiful golden buds and potent wild varietals of Yunnan; classic Fujian reds that remind of noble wine.. We care about growing method, production expertise of our Chinese reds and bring You only the best.

The Oolongs
Praised for a millenia now for fine flavour, warming and uplifting effect, Oolongs are the oldest of fermented teas. We bring You carefully selected teas from best growing regions.

Nepali Marvels
Having the same roots as Darjeeling, Nepali tea estates have long been in shadow of heavily marketed neighbours. Enjoy masterpieces created by Himalayan terroir and careful processing.

Pu-erh Goodness
Pu-erhs are as diverse as wines, and should be enjoyed as such. We offer fine examples of modern and classic pu-erhs alike so You can choose Your favourite.

Masters of Japan
Enjoy our selection of masterly crafted Japanese teas inspired through communication with producers.

Natural Flavours
Our primal focus is quality, and we push it. Not only the tea leaves, but aromatic flowers and oils should be of confirmed origins and quality.